
General Information

The content and services provided by bdggame.gg, including our games, website, and related features, are for entertainment purposes only. While we aim to provide a fun and seamless gaming experience, we do not make any guarantees about the accuracy, completeness, or reliability of the content.

1. No Warranties

BDG Game and its services are provided “as is” without any warranties, either express or implied. We do not guarantee that our games or website will be free of errors, uninterrupted, or free of technical issues. Your use of our services is at your own risk.

2. Limitation of Liability

BDG Game and its team shall not be held responsible for any damages, losses, or issues arising from the use of our services. This includes, but is not limited to, technical failures, data loss, or account suspensions. We are not liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, or consequential damages.

3. External Links

Our website or games may include links to third-party websites. These links are provided for convenience, and we do not endorse or take responsibility for the content or practices of any third-party sites. Accessing these websites is at your own discretion and risk.

4. Gameplay and In-Game Purchases

While we strive to create a balanced and fair gaming environment, we do not guarantee specific outcomes or success for players. In-game purchases, such as virtual goods or currency, are final and non-refundable, except as required by law.

5. Changes to Services

BDG Game reserves the right to modify, update, or discontinue any part of our services without prior notice. This may include changes to game features, content, or availability.

6. Contact Us

If you have any questions about this Disclaimer, feel free to reach out to us at 📧 [email protected].

By using BDG Game, you acknowledge and agree to this Disclaimer. Thank you for playing!